2024 NARPM Charity of the Year: Home Together

Join the King County Chapter of NARPM®

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Why Join NARPM®

  • Our chapter provides ongoing educational opportunities for our members including monthly meetings with guest speakers as well as forums for the exchange of ideas specific to our industry.
  • If you are the owner of investment property, you will find that our members are among the top of their industry. They possess the knowledge and experience to maximize your investment income while reducing your overall risk.
  • If you are a real estate professional who actively engages in the management of single-family homes, townhomes, or condos, joining NARPM is a must. The educational, networking, and tools that NARPM provides will improve your business while saving you time and money.

Professional Members of NARPM are individuals who must be engaged in the management of residential properties as agents for others, licensed in those states that require licensing.

Join the King County Chapter of NARPM®


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Become a Chapter Affiliate

Become a King County Chapter Affiliate and enjoy a number of benefits. Market your business to a field of real estate and property management professionals that manage hundreds of thousands of single family homes and small apartment complexes nationwide.

Affiliate Application PDF